Sunday, 5 October 2008


We spent the afternoon in Coyoacan with friends yesterday...very hippie and relaxed. Surrounded by peaceful protests, markets with everything from peace signs to guys putting dreadlocks in people's hair, we found a place within the city that seems like an escape. We spent the afternoon eating (what else do we do here), shopping the markets, and lounging at a local coffee shop for hours. The architecture was beautiful, that is what a couple of the pictures are, and Jake with a gum tree. Apparently you stick your disgusting used gum on a tree and make a wish, we decided we would wish it wasn't there :) Now we are getting ready to go back to work...Anytime someone wants to come and see these things for themselves, we still have that extra room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Looks like you're having a great time. I miss you both! Guess who got a case of Rickards Red brought back for her from Canada?? That might help with the missing you part some...or it may make it worse. =)
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like you guys are really enjoying yourselves; and taking advantage of the amazingness that apparently surrounds you! Keep the posts coming, I am enjoying reading your stories and checking out the pics!!

Miss ya!