Thursday, 11 September 2008

We haven't done anything lately

Is anybody out there???????? I thought this blog thing was supposed tobe interactive. By the way this is Jake. Since I haven't given any of my friends or family this address yet ...hi Shannon's friends and family. We have both been working getting used to the private school system down here. At least for me the students are great, my co-workers are great, the school system itself is a little screwy. We recently walked down to this park we possed with statues. We might be going to a small town near Vera Cruz which is located in the middle of a river near the coast. I love Mexican Independence Day! (4 day weekend). I will put up some pics from the trip when we get back. Adios amigos and amigas.

Jake, Shannon, Daisy, and Marlie. :)

1 comment:

CV said...

Looks like somebody's having a great time down Mexico way! Just wanted to say hi and tell you I think this is a great way for you to keep your adventures front and center for all to see.

Lee and I are all moved into our new place in Georgia and we are anxiously awaiting our visitors from Florida in October.

Take care--Cheryl V