In Tepoztlan we survived our first Carnaval experience, and it was so amazing, we self-created a long weekend to enjoy it a little more. We learned about the art of jumping (yea, we didn't know there was an art to it either) and after some liquid courage, we joined in. We were surrounded by music pounding, fireworks shooting and people laughing and enjoying all Carnaval had to offer. We met great people (and went with some pretty great people too) and shopped as we went sight seeing through this "magical town". There is a great energy in this town, and peopl
The grutas, which should be short for alotta rocks for a really LONG time, were impressive at first sight. We went through the cave which was more than 80 meters high in some parts (or for those who don't want to do the conversion, don't worry Jake did it for me, that's mas o menos 240 feet). The best part was that we ziplined across this canyon from one side to the other that was a couple hundred feet deep. (SORRY Mom!) As we toured through we learned some interesting facts and avoided bats. Mother nature is incredible.
Try saying this 3 times fast, ok, one time.